The Good Locker
Group size: 60 - 200
Time: 1 - 2
All in, all the time.
~ Navy Seal Motto
The Good Locker is a fun energizer event inspired by the U.S. military. This authentic artillery locker contains a wide variety of strategic challenges directly used as leadership activities by the armed forces. This case is designed specifically for a general conference room setting, as all teams participate simultaneously near their tables. Ideal for all abilities and backgrounds, our Good Locker Program starts with a few boisterous energizers. Teams get moving, cheering, fired up and ready to go.
Each element to follow lasts 15 to 20 minutes relates to a variety of team effectiveness skills, such as 3D thinking, organizing fractured information, building alignment and trust, and reinforcing the value of diversity for problem solving and team success.
Included activities:
- Slap Trap
- Focus Tubes
- Piper’s Line
- Minds that Matter
- Arrowheads / Pyramids
- da Vinci’s Bridge
- Community Puzzle