DB Cooper - Who Am I?
Group size: 40 - 600
Time: 2 - 3
D.B. Cooper – Who Am I? Venture Up’s original “Escape the Case” challenge, that started the trend in corporate team gamification, and the concept behind a reverse escape game for large conference groups.
This high-tech challenge perfect for fun, collaborative, team building activities; in that it combines clues, alarms, video, social media, problem solving, music, codes, as well as, directional locks, alphabetical locks, blue tooth locks, and numerical locks. Teams are put to the test to unlock box after box, as they work their way towards the final answer.
This is a case shrouded in mystery, from its location of the currency, to the identity of the suspect. An interactive detective style training program, where teams use their wits, to rally together and uncover the identity of the infamous skyjacker, D.B. Cooper. This is a case the that the FBI was recently forced to drop, and that no one person can solve in the allotted time. Teams will have to cooperate and build on each other’s individual skills to crack the clues, open the cases, and find out who he is; and who knows? D.B. Cooper could be among your team…
The final twist of this event occurs when all teams must work together, combining codes to open the final series of reveal cases. This collaboration underscores that the whole group is one big team, more powerful together, more innovative together and ultimately Better Together
- Optional charity based event (CSR), or corporate surprise: For those companies also looking for a donation opportunity, we have had teams open the final reveal cases, and find the poster of who DB Cooper is (company VIP), along with computer tablets, or company product, or an enlarged check… which are then donated to a local charity, or groups have found some sort of company gift to the attendees. Anything is possible.
The story behind D.B. Cooper
On November 24, 1971, a man in a black suit walked into the Seattle airport, carrying a silver briefcase. With cash, he buys a one-way ticket to Portland, and boards the plane. During the flight, he drinks a bourbon and water and puffs a Pallmall cigarette. Shortly after takeoff, he ask a stewardess to sit down next to him, and hands her a note. He is holding the silver briefcase on his knees. The stewardess opens the note and reads “I have a bomb, NO FUNNY BUSINESS”, and when she looks up, he cracks open the briefcase showing what appears to be an explosive device. Over the next several hours;
- The plane lands back in Seattle WA,
- $200,000 in twenty dollar bills along, with 4 parachutes are brought onto the plane
- All of the passengers are then allowed to leave the plane unharmed
- The plane take off in the middle of the stormy night. It is freezing cold, with rain and thunder all around.
- The man instructs the pilots; fly to Mexico City, but no higher than 10,000 ft , and with the flaps at 30 degrees. This limits the planes speed.
- Over Portland OR, the pilots feel the plane “drag”, as the rear gangplank is lowered.
- When the plane lands in Reno Nevada for refueling, the FBI rush in, and find the man along with the ten thousand twenty dollar bills, and 2 parachutes is gone.
D.B. Cooper, is the only federal hijacker who was never caught. No one was injured, the money he stole was never found in circulation, and he disappeared without a trace. He later sent letters to the FBI, taunting them, and numerous books and documentaries have eluded his identity. In March of 2018, after 40+ years, the FBI has dropped the case.
…So the mystery continues – until now! Your team will receive a case sent by D.B.Cooper, who is finally ready to divulge his true identity; but teams will need to break into the cases, solving clues, ciphers, alarms… but will most of all, have FUN during this team building event.